                       Department of Chemistry & BiochemistryUniversity of Maryland,  College Park, MD 20742    

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Last updated: Jun. 13, 2022

  XCC offers

  XCC brochure

  • State-of-the-Art X-ray Diffraction Instrumentation
  • Quality Service and Competitive Rates
  • Experience and Expertise

  New Instrumentation:

  • Photonic Laue back scattering system:
    - determiantion of the orientation of crystals and grains.

  • Bruker D8 Venture Duo single crystal diffractometer: 
    - dual microsource: Cu and Mo radiations, 
    - N-Helix low-temp. system (down to 28K),
    - high pressure Anvil cell. 


  and performs

  • characterization of materials using non-destructive X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD)

  • crystal structure determination from single-crystal and polycrystalline samples

  • orientation of crystals and determination of crystallites/grains orientaions

  • X-ray reflectivity (XRR) and pole figure measurements

  • small angle X-ray scattering of polymers, proteins and nanomaterials

  Chemical Crystallography:

  • provides single-crystal structure determination for a wide range of materials including: inorganic, metal-organic, organic, and pharmaceutical compounds, as well as minerals and intermetallic compounds

  • capabilities include: absolute structure determination; handling merohedral and non-merohedral twins; analysis of disordered, OD and modulated crystals; measurements at low (donw to 20K), ambient or elevated (up to 1500 K) temperature working in open or inert atmosphere

  Materials Characterization:

  • provides powder X-ray diffraction analysis and characterization of polycrystalline and nano-crystalline materials and thin films. Service include: phase identification, qualitative, semi-quantitative, and quantitative analysis; determination of the degree of crystallinity / amorphous content determination; micro-diffraction and area mapping; analysis of samples of any size and shape; crystallite size and micro-strain determination, and more

  • Elucidates crystallographic and structural information, including: as ab initio indexing and high-precision unit cell determination; crystal structure refinement using the Rietveld or pair distribution function; ab initio structure determination from powder diffraction data

  Advanced Diffraction:

  • provides advanced X-ray diffraction measurements of reflectivity (XRR) from thin films using X'Pert Pro MRD system

  • small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS/WAXS/GISAXS) with the Xeuss system for proteins, polymers and nanomaterials

  • crystal and crystallite (crystal grain) orientation determination using Laue backscattering system


  The Center also

  • offers its equipment and expertise for Collaborative research with local universities, government institution, startups, as well as industry located in Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, Washington DC, and across the nation

  • provides Consulting in the field of: X-ray diffraction and crystallography; solid-state and materials chemistry; forensic analysis; materials characterization; pharmaceuticals; patents, legal issues; and other specialized areas





 XCC info

  XCC brochure
  How to become XCC user?
  How to submit samples?
  Our rates

  Remote access to XRD analysis

 Reservation   Booking Instrumental Time - Faces Group: XCC_UMD
 Submission   Powder PXRD, XRR, Laue Request Form [D8, C2, X'pert, Laue instruments]
  Single Crystal Diffraction Request 
Form [Crystal Structure Determination ]
  Small Angle X-ray Scattering Requ Form [Xeuss]
 New User   User Registration Form
  XCC Lab Access is given to users only after the completion of training on the instrument.
  Note: activation code to activate or reset cell phone app can be requested by email from BSS@umpd.umd.edu
 Radiation Safety    Start Radiation Safety Training for Use of X-ray Devices (see Radiation Safety site) 
  Apply for Unsupervised (Authorized) user status: Training & Experience (T&E) Form


Contact info 

Dr. Peter Y. Zavalij

  Office: (301)405-1861, room 0514A, e-mail: pzavalij@umd.edu

Director, Crystallographer
 PXRD Lab: (301)405-9795, room 0514E, contact Cein Mandujano hcmanduj@umd.edu
 SAXS Lab: (301)405-3230, room 0514F, contact Dr. Yimin Mao ymmao@umd.edu
 See also:
My webpage, Google Scholar, ResearchGate

Mailing and Shipping Addressesn>, Department Location

 XCC location and directions from Visitor Parkings (MAP)
 The closest visitor
parking is on the roof of Regents Garage, College Park, MD