Phase Identification (Qualitative
analysis) using ICDD database;
Semi-Quantitative (EVA) & Quantitative (Topas) phase analysis;
Ab initio unit cell indexing;
High precision lattice parameters determination;
Ab initio
crystal structure determination from powder data;
The Rietveld refinement of the crystal structure
including accurate phase composition;
Fast (up to 1 hour) yet quality data collection
using LynxEye strip detector;
High profile quality and low background data
using Solid State detector;
Choice of MoKα, CuKα
or single wavelength CuKβ
Amorphous content/Degree of crystallinity
determination using internal or external
Microstructure and texture analysis; crystallite
(grain) size and micro-strain determination;
Microdiffraction using Göbbel
mirror and area detector;
Good data from miniscule samples - several
milligrams and tens of millimeter in size;
Large samples up to several kilograms and a foot
Quality diffraction data and mapping of thin
films (down to nanometer thickness);
Effective avoiding of x-ray diffraction from the
single crystal substrate;
Standardless amorphous to crystalline single
phase ratio for polymers and pharmaceutics;
Neutron data collection & analysis in collaboration with
Experience and expertise in chemistry, structure
and analysis of all classes:
- metals, alloys and intermetallic compounds;
- inorganic compounds and complexes;
- minerals, zeolites and intercalates;
- organic, metal-organics and organometallic
Powder X-ray characterization of materials with
applications in:
- manufacturing process and quality control;
- raw material analysis in mining;
- drug quality and purity in pharmaceutical industry;
- crystallinity of polymers and nano-materials;
- forensic analysis;
- patent evaluation and more.