2010 Graduate Student Survey
A survey of graduate and post-doctoral students at the University of Maryland Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry was conducted by the Graduate Student Organization (GSO) in December 2010. The objective of the survey was to gain feedback from students regarding the Department’s performance in four key areas: academics, research, teaching assistantship and professional development. Thirty-six percent of the graduate student body responded to the survey, consisting of 37 pre-candidacy students, 29 post-candidacy and 2 post-doctoral students. Major contributors to the survey were Organic, Biochemistry and Analytical students (~20% each) followed by Materials, Inorganic, Physical and Multidisciplinary students (~10% each).
- Survey Results
- Outcomes of Survey
Access TA Evaluations
Teaching evaluations may be accessed on the ARES system.
1. Go to http://ares.umd.edu/home/
2. Log In (upper left hand corner) using your UMD ID and Password
3. In the menu on the left hand side of the page, click on Faculty Services
4. Then, click on CourseEvalUM Reports
5. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and find the link "You taught courses which have been evaluated. Please click here to view.
6. Your evaluations will be listed by semester.