Research Interests
Development of new bond breaking
(C-H, B-C, O=O) and bond making (C-O, C-N, C-C, B-C) processes, manipulation with
kinetically inert molecules (alkanes including methane,
dioxygen etc.).
Aerobic organoplatinum(II) and organopalladium(II) chemistry. New
synthetic strategies. Experimental and calculational (ab
initio, DFT) organotransition metal chemistry. Mechanistic
and theoretical
study of organometallic reactions, including small molecule
activation. Design of new ligands and catalysts for organic
Aerobic Organoplatinum(II)
Our semi-labile facially chelating ligands of the
di(2-pyridyl)methanesulfonate (dpms) family allow to
control reactivity of d8/d6
metal species in oxidative addition / reductive elimination
in various solvents including water.
These ligands
allow for facile
oxidation of monohydrocarbyl PtII complexes (dpms)PtIIR(HX)
with O2 in water or alcohols to produce (dpms)PtIVR(OH)X species
(R = alkyl, aryl; HX = H2O, alcohols, primary
Due to the presence of the sulfonate which is a good leaving
group the dpms ligand allows for clean and facile C(sp3)-O
reductive elimination from (dpms)PtIVR(OH)X complexes
leading to alcohols, ethers and epoxides in acidic, neutral or basic aqueous solutions.
Some examples are given below:
a) Oxidation of (dpms)PtIIMe(OH2) complex
under air in water leads ultimately to methanol:

b) (dpms)PtII(ethene)OH
complex reacts cleanly with O2 in water at room
temperature via 2-hydroxyethyl PtII intermediate to
produce (dpms)PtIV(C2H4OH)(OH)2
complex. The latter eliminates ethylene oxide at 80oC:

c) Analogous cycloolefin complexes produce
readily PtII- and PtIV-oxetanes. The
latter eliminate corresponding epoxides:

Available data indicates that
anionic intermediates (dpms)PtIIR(X)- are
responsible for dioxygen activation.
Mechanisms of C(sp3)-O Reductive Elimination
from PtIV
We discovered that several mechanisms of C(sp3)-O elimination
from (dpms)PtIV complexes may be operational in aqueous
a) C-O coupling involving nucleophilic hydroxo or alkoxo PtIV
complexes that can compete successfully with water (solvent)
even in dilute (few mM) solutions. For instance, formation of Me16OH
is observed in H218O
solutions of (dpms)PtIVMe(OH)2 along with
Me18OH which is the expected product of an SN2
reaction involving the solvent. Me16OH results from nucleophilic attack of PtIV(OH) at
the methyl group of PtIVMe species; this reaction is 2nd
order in PtIV:

b) In certain cases an unprecedented
for PtIV direct
intramolecular C-O elimination is observed (see elimination of epoxides from PtIV oxetanes
above). This reaction is fundamentally different from SN2
mechanism typical for PtIVMe complexes and is also stereospecific.
The order of reactivity of PtIV alkyls
in direct C-O elimination is as follows: 2o alkyl > 1o
alkyl > Me. The opposite order of reactivity is observed in SN2
observations above may be valuable for designing Pt-mediated selective
hydrocarbon functionalization reactions in hydroxylic solvents
including water.
Catalytic Aerobic Organopalladium(II)
Similar to monohydrocarbyl platinum(II) complexes,
alkylpalladium(II) complexes are inert toward O2 but
when dpms or some other anionic pyridine ligand is installed,
aerobic oxidation of AlkPdII becomes possible in such
solvents as acetic acid. When 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic acid
is used as a
ligand (H2pda), CH activation of some aromatic amines
N-CH by PdII(pda)L (L = solvent or substrate) and O2
activation by derived alkylpalladium(II) intermediates PdII(Hpda)(N-C)
can be realized in a single catalytic cycle:

The catalytic oxidation reaction is
selective; a number of functional groups are tolerated. One of
the suggested reaction mechanisms involves direct aerobic
oxidation of alkypalladium(II) species,
to produce reactive
alkylpalladium(IV) intermediates.
support to this work from the Donors of the American
Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund (PRF#42307-AC3),
National Science Foundation (CHE-0614798), the US-Israel
Binational Science Foundation
Center for Catalytic Hydrocarbon Functionalization (CCHF), an
Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC) funded by the U.S.
Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy
Sciences (Award Number DE-SC0001298)
is gratefully acknowledged.