Sample input file for a bound-state calculation: Ar-NO

ArNO bound states with CCSDT potential          
   3                             ibasty
  T  T  F  T                     logdfl, airyfl, readpt, bastst
    0.1000    0.8000 0.1000E-07  hsimp, delr, eigmin
  F                              prairy
 0.1000     11.00  0.4000 4.500  tolai, r2, spac, r1
   1                             nerg
   17.13500                      xmu
    0.5000                       c
   0   0  10   1   0   0   1     jtot1,jtot2,jtotd,jlpar,numin,numax,nud
  48   0                         lscreen, iprint
   10    2                       nnout,niout
   0   1   2   5   6   7  10  12  15  18
   1   2
  F  F  F  F  F                  prlogd, prsmat, prt2, t2test, wrsmat
  F  F  F  F  F                  wrpart, prpart, prxsec, wrxsec, wavefl
  F  T  T  F  F                  noprin, chlist, ipos, nucros, photof
  T  F  F  F  F                  flaghf, csflag, flagsu, ihomo, twomol
  F  T                           rsflag, boundc
   1   1   0   2                  jmax, igu, isa, npar
   1.69611  123.1393  1.172E-02  6.700E-04 brot, aso, p, q

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