The input file used here is tests/Arn2_test.inp in the Hibridon directory tree
Initiate execution of your code % hib_arn2_251 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- HIBRIDON SCATTERING CODE V 4.0 03/18/96 18:34:31 EST AUTHORS: M. ALEXANDER, D. MANOLOPOULOS, H.-J. WERNER, B. FOLLMEG CONTRIBUTORS: D. LEMOINE, P. VOHRALIK, G. COREY, R. JOHNSON, T. ORLIKOWSKI A. BERNING, A. DEGLI-ESPOSTI, C. RIST, P. DAGDIGIAN, B. POUILLY G. VAN DER SANDEN, M. YANG -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hibridon> inp=arn2_test.inp Hibridon> show *** Parameters: JTOT1 = 20 JTOT2 = 20 JTOTD = 5 JLPAR = 1 NERG = 1 NUMAX = 0 NUMIN = 0 NUD = 1 LSCREEN= 48 IPRINT = 0 FSTFAC = 15.00 RINCR = 3.000 RCUT = 30.00 RENDAI = 25.00 RENDLD = 8.000 RSTART = 5.600 SPAC = .1500 TOLAI = 1.150 XMU = 16.47 NOUT: 4; JOUT: 0 2 4 6 INDOUT: 0 *** 1-SIGMA system parameters: NTERM = 1 VMIN = 0 VMAX = 0 JMIN = 0 JMAX = 4 BROT = 2.010 DROT = 0.0000E+00 HROT = 0.0000E+00 EVIB = 0.0000E+00 LAMMIN: 2 LAMMAX: 2 MPROJ: 0 *** Flags: AIRYFL= T BASTST= F BATCH = F CHLIST= T CSFLAG= F FLAGHF= F FLAGSU= F IHOMO = T IPOS = F LOGDFL= T NOPRIN= F NUCROS= F PHOTOF= F PRAIRY= F PRLOGD= T PRPART= F PRSMAT= T PRT2 = T PRXSEC= F READPT= F RSFLAG= F T2TEST= F TWOMOL= F WAVEFL= F WRPART= F WRSMAT= F WRXSEC= F ** Maximum Channels: 251; Anisotropic Terms: 80 ** Energies: 500.000000 ** Label: N2-Ar CC PATTENGILL POTENTIAL ** Pot name: PATTENGILL-LABUDDE-BERNSTEIN AR-N2 ** Input File: Arn2_test.inp ** Output file: Outpt ** Jobname: Job Here we will determine the classical turning point Hibridon> turn Turning point for isotropic potential at R = 5.97 bohr Hibridon> energy=300 Hibridon> turn Turning point for isotropic potential at R = 6.12 bohr Hibridon> energy=1000 Hibridon> turn Turning point for isotropic potential at R = 5.75 bohr Hibridon> as might have been expected, at higher energy, the classical turning point occurs at smaller Rwe can also estimate the minimum of the isotropic part of the potential
Hibridon> minpot Minimum of isotropic potential at r = 7.41 bohr Hibridon> quit
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