The command line syntax is
line is
INITIAL-J: the rotational angular momentum of the incoming channel
INITIAL-L: the orbital angular momentum of the incoming channel
INITIAL-IND: the value of additional index for the incoming channel
All selected components of the scattering wavefunctions are written to the file {jobname}.psi. The output is two successive matrices, corresponding, respectively, to the real and imaginary parts of F(R). The rows correspond to the successive values of R and the columns, to the components of F(R) which have been selected as described in the preceding paragraph.
The wavefunction is determined at all values of R lying
between RSTART and RENDAI, with the
grid size and spacing controlled by the same parameters which govern the LOGD and AIRY integration, namely
In the output file {jobname}.psithe points that correspond to the AIRY integration
range (RENDLD < R < RENDAI) are designated with negative value of R.
It is essential that SPAC be signficantly less than the DeBroglie
wavelength (which can be determined with the command DEBROGLI)
is order to get a meaningful representation of the wavefunction.