In this example, I have added illustrative comments in brown to the actual output of the run. In addition, the various commands have been linked to the corresponding help files
Initiate execution of your code % hib_arn2_151 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- HIBRIDON SCATTERING CODE V 4.0 04/15/96 16:37:27 EDT AUTHORS: M. ALEXANDER, D. MANOLOPOULOS, H.-J. WERNER, B. FOLLMEG CONTRIBUTORS: D. LEMOINE, P. VOHRALIK, G. COREY, R. JOHNSON, T. ORLIKOWSKI A. BERNING, A. DEGLI-ESPOSTI, C. RIST, P. DAGDIGIAN, B. POUILLY G. VAN DER SANDEN, M. YANG, F. DE WEERD -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hibridon> inp=arn2_flux.inp Hibridon> show *** Parameters: JTOT1 = 0 JTOT2 = 0 JTOTD = 4 JLPAR = 1 NERG = 1 NUMAX = 0 NUMIN = 0 NUD = 1 LSCREEN= 48 IPRINT = 0 FSTFAC = 1.000 RINCR = 3.000 RCUT = 30.00 RENDAI = 25.00 RENDLD = 6.000 RSTART = 5.600 SPAC = 8.0000E-02 TOLAI = 1.030 XMU = 16.47 NOUT: 5; JOUT: 0 2 4 6 8 INDOUT: 0 *** 1-SIGMA system parameters: NTERM = 1 VMIN = 0 VMAX = 0 JMIN = 0 JMAX = 8 BROT = 2.010 DROT = 0.0000E+00 HROT = 0.0000E+00 EVIB = 0.0000E+00 LAMMIN: 2 LAMMAX: 2 MPROJ: 0 *** Flags: AIRYFL= T BASTST= F BATCH = F CHLIST= T CSFLAG= F FLAGHF= F FLAGSU= F IHOMO = T IPOS = F LOGDFL= T NOPRIN= F NUCROS= F PHOTOF= F PRAIRY= F PRLOGD= F PRPART= F PRSMAT= F PRT2 = F PRXSEC= F READPT= F RSFLAG= F T2TEST= F TWOMOL= F WAVEFL= T WRPART= F WRSMAT= F WRXSEC= F ** Maximum Channels: 151; Anisotropic Terms: 80 ** Energies: 135.000000 ** Label: N2-Ar CC PATTENGILL POTENTIAL ** Pot name: PATTENGILL-LABUDDE-BERNSTEIN AR-N2 ** Input File: Arn2.fluxinp ** Output file: Outpt ** Jobname: JobChange the parameters so that the LODG integration runs from RSTART (5.6 bohr) to 25 bohr, and also set the flag AIRYFL .false., so that no AIRY integration is done.
Hibridon> rendld=25 Hibridon> airyfl=frun the calculation to generate the required file Job.wfu, which contains the necessary information to generate the wavefunction
Hibridon> run ** CC SINGLET SIGMA DIATOMIC ** RMU= 16.4700 E= 135.00 JTOT= 0 J LPAR= 1 State B(v) D(v) H(v) E(v) 0 2.0100 .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000000 N V J L EINT(CM-1) 1 0 0 0 .000 2 0 2 2 12.060 3 0 4 4 40.200 4 0 6 6 84.420 5 0 8 8 144.720 OPEN LEVELS: N V J EINT(CM-1) 1 0 0 .000 2 0 2 12.060 3 0 4 40.200 4 0 6 84.420 ** TOTAL NUMBER OF NONZERO V2 MATRIX ELEMENTS IS 8 ** LOGD: RSTART = 5.600 REND = 25.000 SPAC = .080 NSTEP = 243 ** CPU TIMES: BASIS= 00:00:00.01 POT= 00:00:00.02 LOGD= 00:00:00.04 AIRY= 00:00:00.00 PSI0= 00:00:00.00 SMAT= 00:00:00.01 ** J = 0 JLPAR = 1 COMPLETED CPU-TIMES: BASIS: 00:00:00.01 POT: 00:00:00.02 LOGD: 00:00:00.04 AIRY: 00:00:00.00 PSI0: 00:00:00.00 SMAT: 00:00:00.01 SOUT: 00:00:00.00 CUMULA TIVE: 00:00:00.10 ELAPSED: 00:00:00.81 CURRENT DATE: 19-Apr-96 11:14:30 TURNING POINTS (MIN/MAX) = 6.36 6.60 =============================================================================== **** END OF CALCULATION **** MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CHANNELS USED WAS: 5 TIMING: ELAPSED 00:00:00.81 / CPU 00:00:00.10 CURRENT DATE: 19-Apr-96 11:14:30 ===============================================================================now generate the wavefunction, which will be stored in the file {jobname}.psi. N. B. in this case we have not reset {jobname}, so the default value ({jobname}=JOB) is used
Hibridon> psi ** WAVEFUNCTION DETERMINATION *** FROM CALCULATION ON: 19-Apr-96 11:14:30 INITIAL JOB LABEL: N2-Ar CC PATTENGILL POTENTIAL INITIAL POT NAME: PATTENGILL-LABUDDE-BERNSTEIN AR-N2 SCATTERING BOUNDARY CONDITIONS DIABATIC (ASYMPTOTIC) BASIS INFORMATION FROM FILE: Job.wfu ENERGY = 135.000 cm(-1); MASS = 16.4700 CC CALCULATION: JTOT = 0; JLPAR = 1 WF DEFINED FROM R = 5.600 TO R = 25.000 AT 243 POINTS CHANNEL PARAMETERS: N J L IN ENERGY(CM-1) SQRT(K) INITIAL: 1 0 0 0 .000 PROBED: 1 0 0 0 .000 6.0773 PROBED: 2 2 2 0 12.060 5.7995 PROBED: 3 4 4 0 40.200 5.0927 PROBED: 4 6 6 0 84.420 3.7199 PROBED: 5 8 8 0 144.720 -1.6307 ** WAVEFUNCTION CALCULATION FINISHED: ELAPSED TIME: 00:00:01.53 CPU TIME: 00:00:00.10 Hibridon> quitThe real and imaginary parts of the wavefunction, at each value of R, have now been appended to the file Job.psi. Rather than display a table of the wavefunction, go for a plot of the real part of the wavefunction.