If PRSMAT = .TRUE., then the real and the imaginary S-matrix elements
will be printed out at the end of the regular output file. To print the
S matrix to a separate file, set the flag WRSMAT = .TRUE.
S matrices can be quite large, so be wary of setting
If WRSMAT = .TRUE., then selected (or all) S matrix elements will be printed out to a
separate file {jobname}n.smt, where n designates the value of the energy,
e.g. at the first energy the S-matrix elements will be in the file
{jobname}n.smt, etc. The subset of S-matrix matrix elements which
will be printed are defined by the set
of rotational quantum numbers contained in the array JOUT
as follows:
If NNOUT is positive, then the only S-matrix elements which will be saved
are those for which BOTH the initial and final rotational quantum numbers
correspond to one of the value in the array JOUT
If NNOUT is negative, any column of the S matrix for which the initial
rotational quantum number is included in the array JOUT will be printed
The command PRINTS allows the
printing of an S matrix which has been previously written to the file
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