Note that for full close-coupling determinations of integral cross sections it is necessary to carry out calculations for both values of this parity (this is ensured by setting JLPAR=0; see the JLPAR frame for more information)
If no value of {jobnam}has been set, the default value of {jobname} is Job
iprint .ge. 0, if the subset of desired integral cross sections is also to be printed to the main output file
iprint > 0, if the list of channel energies is also to be printed to the main output file.
The default value of iprint is 0
iaver = 1 if the integral cross sections are to be summed over positive and negative values of the additional quantum index of the final state
iaver = 2 if the integral cross sections are to be summed and averaged over positive and negative values of the additional quantum index of the initial and final states
this summing and averaging is sure to work only if
there is an even number of open levels with alternating
values (positive and negative) of the quantum index
The default value of iaver is 0
ienerg: The cardinal value of the energy for which the integral cross sections are to be computed. i.e. if ienerg = 2, then the second energy S matrix file {jobname}2.smt or second energy integral cross section file {jobname}2.ics are used. The default value of inerg is 1