As the total angular momentum (Jtot) increases, the classical turning point will also increase. As this occurs, the program automatically adjusts RSTART to remain a constant distance inside the innermost classical turning point.
In the LOGD propagation the accuracy is controlled by the parameter SPAC, which sets the step size.
In the AIRY propagation the accuracy is controlled by two parameters:
RINCR, which sets the point beyond which the step size is allowed to increase
As RSTART increases, at subsequent values of Jtot, the value of RENDLD increases accordingly, so that the distance covered by the LOGD propagator remains constant. If, however, you are not using the AIRY propagator (flag AIRYFL = .false.), then the program does not change RENDLD at higher values of Jtot.
To set these parameters, use the OPTIMIZE command and procede as follows:
In this step you will adjust the two parameters that control the LOGD
integration. OPTIMIZE checks for convergence of the square of T matrix
elements. The only levels checked are those which are explicity designated
in the level lists JOUT and INDOUT.
Make sure these parameters are set
so that you have selected a representative set of levels for your problem. Set
the total angular momentum JTOT1 to be small. Set JTOT2 =
JTOT1, and
JTOTD = 1.
where {valmax} is the initial value, typically 0.5 times the deBroglie wavelength (which can be found using the command DEBROGLI), and {valmin} is typically 0.05*valmax.
Set AIRYFL = .true., TOLAI = 1.0, and RENDAI equal to a value at which you expect the coupling potential to be asymptotically weak (for problems with long-range potentials that vary only as R-6, RENDAI should be typically 20 - 30 bohr; the value of the potential at any value of R can be ascertained using the command TESTPOT).
The total time will be proportional to
where NL designates the number of steps in the LOGD propagation and NA designates the number of intervals in the AIRY propagation. For a given value of the parameter spac, NL will be directly proportional to RENDLD. Thus to minimize the total cpu time you need to decrease RENDLD (thereby decreasing NL) while at the same time trying to minimize the total (NL + f * NA), where f=6 for scalar machines but 3 for vector machines). You can accomplish this as follows:
The scattering program prints out (NL) and NA. First decrease RENDLD, reoptimize the AIRY parameters, as described above, and see if NL + f * NA (or the total cpu time) decreases. If so, continue to decrease RENDLD. Otherwise, increase RENDLD.
In general, you don't need to search for a precise minimum in the function (NL + f * NA) since the number of intervals used in the AIRY propagation will vary substantially at different values of Jtot. For systems with small deBroglie wavelengths (high mass, high collision energy) the minimal cpu time will correspond to using the LOGD propagator over only a short range (0.5 -2 Bohr). For systems with large deBroglie wavelengths (collisions involving H2 or He, low collision energy), you will even want to use the LOGD propagator over a longer range. In some cases you may want to use only the LOGD integrator (set AIRYFL = .false.) , or only the AIRY integrator (set LOGDFL = .false.).
Determine the differential cross sections for several transitions of interest, over a coarse angular grid, using the DIFCRS command. Successively increase the parameter jtotend in the call list to DIFCRS until convergence is reached.
Determine the partial inelastic (or elastic) cross sections for several transitions of interest, using the PARTC command. For the output (which will appear at the console as well as in the file {jobname}.psc, you will be able to judge how large a value of JTOT2 is necessary.
The, decrease JTOTD until you have reached convergence in the integral cross sections.
In the case of photodissociation,
or collisions with surfaces, only one partial wave is involved.
Consequently, this optimization step can be skipped.
Unfortunately, since the cpu requirement of any close-coupled calculation goes up as the thirdpower of the number of channels, the choice of the maximum size of the channel basis may involve significant computational effort.
Remember, convergence of integral or differential
cross sections to within 1% is usually well within the errors bars of most
(if not all) experiments.