Available HELP
Help with the HibridonTM package can be obtained in three ways:
- By running the stand alone help program bin/hib_help
- By entering the command help at the hibridon prompt
while running a linked version of the HibridonTM code.
- By accessing this hypertext help facility.
In the first two cases, help is obtained from the file doc/hibrid.hlp.
In the latter case, help is obtained from a large number of interlinked .html
files. By downloading and installing
the HibridonTM package you also create you own copy of these hypertext help files in the
directory doc/hib_html. The initial target file for your web browser should be
Online help
The online help facility (cases 1 and 2 above) is based on a tree structure analagous to
the implementation of
under the VAX/VMS operating system. At each level, there
exist a number of keywords. To get a list of
possible keywords at the current level, type ?
To get information about a keyword at the current level, type the keyword
followed by return. If that keyword has sublevels, you will see a list of
additional keywords.
For an introduction to Close-Coupled methods for inelastic scattering, follow
the keyword INTRO
Execution of the HibridonTM package is controlled by the Hibridon driver.
For a description of the commands to the driver, see the keyword COMMANDS
The scattering calculation is controlled by
system independent parameters (see keyword PARAMS)
system dependent parameters (see keyword SYSTEM)
logical flags (see keyword FLAGS)
input, output, and job names (see keyword FILES)
Information on the system dependent BASIS, POT, and SYSDAT subroutines
can be obtained by entering SYSTEM and the appropriate keyword.
The keywords at level 1 are:
To get information on keywords at level 2, you can also type help
keyword. In general, to get information on a keyword in level n, you can
either step to that level, or type
help keyword(level2) keyword(level3) ... keyword(leveln).
For example:
help subroutine sysdat help basis 13_pi
To go back a level, type a null line (this will eventually return you to
the Hibridon prompt)
Main Hypertext HELP