Testing your potential subroutine (the makepot command)

To test your potential subroutine you must execute the command


the makepot command creates an executable module bin/progs/runpot_{potname}_kmax.

The file p_{potname}.log contains a log of this link, which may be examined in case of failure.

For example,

will create an executable module bin/progs/runpot_arno_ccsdt

Here is the terminal output from this command

/Users/mha/hib43/bin/progs> makepot arno_ccsdt

making fortran converter ...

running fortran converter ...

compiling runpot.f ...

linking runpot_arno_ccsdt

successful link; moving runpot_arno_ccsdt to ../bin/progs ...

examine /Users/mha/hib43/p_arno_ccsdt.log for diagnostic and/or error messages

Running the resulting executable code runpot_{potname} will allow you to print out the expansion coefficients of the potential at various values of R, as controlled in the subroutine "driver" in the file ../src/pot/{potname}.f.
For example, for the arno_ccsdt potential subroutine created as described above

/Users/mha/hib43/bin/progs> runpot_arno_ccsdt
  r (bohr)
  2.03110015E-03 -1.58292849E-03  4.61031455E-03 -1.00506297E-03  9.77742918E-04 -1.80847723E-04  1.05529707E-04 -2.34828441E-05  9.56131165E-06
 -5.94863282E-04  6.42939848E-04 -1.14560854E-03  2.24197698E-04 -1.92397409E-04  2.63754376E-05 -1.38655839E-05
  r (bohr)

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