Parameter IPRINT
IPRINT is a general print control parameter which can vary from -1 to 2. In some
of the basis subroutines the amount of diagnostic printing is controlled by
IPRINT with the understanding that
IPRINT = - 1 : no print
IPRINT = 0 : minimal print
IPRINT = 1 : moderate diagnostic print
IPRINT = 2 : full scale diagnostics
If the flag NOPRIN is set equal to .true., then IPRINT is automatically
set equal to -1
At present IPRINT effects printing as follows:
BASIS routines: with the flag BASTST = .TRUE. and IPRINT = 1,
only the number of non-zero coupling matrix elements will
be printed. To print out the matrix elements themselves, set
Printing of integral cross sections: For CS calculations, if the flag PRXSEC is set .true.
integral cross sections will be printed out
only for Jinitial and/or Jfinal .le.
2, then all the cross sections, even those which are
not converged with respect to the sum over the CS projection index
, are printed.
Further information on reading in, changing, or saving the values
of any parameter.
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