M. H. Alexander, J. Chem. Phys. 95, 8931 (1991); 96, 6672 (1992). D. E. Manolopoulos and M. H. Alexander, J. Chem. Phys. 97, 2527 (1992); M. H. Alexander, C. Rist, and D. E. Manolopoulos, J. Chem. Phys. 97, 4836 (1992).
The command line syntax is
FLUX,{jobnam},IFLUX,{additional variables}
−1: for a determination of the fluxes in the locally adiabatic basis
2: for a determination of the adiabatic energies (see also the EADIAB command
−2: for fluxes summed over the sign of the additional channel index
3: for fluxes in coordinate space
4: for determination of the transformation matrix C(R), defined in Eq. (6) of the help file describing the close coupling method
THRESH: If the local wavevector in any channel is less than THRESH, then the wavefunction component associated with this channel is killed off. The default value of THRESH is 0 for scattering calculations, and -1.e+9 for photodissociation calculations
IPRINT: Normally, fluxes are not printed inside of any energetically closed region. To print these out set IPRINT not equal to zero. The default value of IPRINT is 0 for scattering and 1 for photodissociation
DAMP: the damping factor for closed channel components (the default value is one)
INITIAL-J: the rotational angular momentum of the initial channel
INITIAL-L: the orbital angular momentum of the initial channel
INITIAL-IND: the value of the additional index of the initial channel
In addition, channel fluxes are printed out ONLY for those channels which are specified in the arrays JOUT and INDOUT.
if NR < 0, then the calculated flux is a sum over the flux associated with all channels with negative values of the additional index
DR: Step size in the internal coordinate r
THRESH: as defined above
IPRINT: as defined above
DAMP: as defined above
Rmin: The minimum value of R at which the asymptotic → locally adiabatic transformation matrix is to be printed
δR: The step size
Rmax: The maximum value of R at which the asymptotic → locally adiabatic transformation matrix is to be printed
nstate cannot exceed 12, it will be truncated if the input value exceeds 12.
The determination of collision and photodissociation fluxes
should be attempted only if you have a sophisticated understanding of the
time-independent quantum description of molecular collisions.