The values of the total energy at which the scattering calcuation
will be run are specified by the input line
ENERG = {energy1},{energy2}...{energyN}
If other input data occurs on the same line, then the string of
energies must be terminated by a backslash.
Note that if the length of
the array of energies is greater than the current value of NERG, then
NERG is reset accordingly. The maximum number of energies cannot
exceed 25.
If the first energy is negative, then the calculations are to be preformed on a regular grid of
energies, specified by
ENERG = {negative number},{energy1},{energ2},{nerg}
- energy1: The initial energy
- energy2: The final energy
- nerg: The number of energies (less than or equal to 25)
The spacing for the grid of energies is determined as
This spacing is then rounded to the nearest 0.01 cm-1, so that the final energy
e_final=e_initial + (nerg-1)*delta_e
which may not be exactly equal to the final energy which you initially specified.
In all cases, the energy values are reordered in decreasing order, starting with the
highest value.
for more information on reading in, changing, or saving the values
of any parameter.
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