Command EADIAB
The command EADIAB requests the determination of the adiabatic energies as a function
of R. These are defined by Eq. (6) of the help link which summarizes
the close coupling method.
The command line syntax is
{jobname}: the jobname under which the wavefunction information
from the previous run is stored, as the file {jobname}.wfu
In order to create the {jobname}.wfu file, the previous run must have
been done with the flags WAVEFL and AIRYFL
both set .TRUE.
The only adiabatic energies which are written out are those which correlate adiabatically
at large R with the internal states of the collision partners whose
rotational angular momenta and
additional indices are specified in the arrays JOUT and
INDOUT. Specifically, adiabatic energies are given for each channel for
and for which the vector element INDOUT(i) corresponds to the quantum
number L and the extra index of the desired channel packed into a
single array as follows:
INDOUT(i) = sign[IND(i)] x [100 L(i) + | IND(i) | ]
The asymptotic energy ordering of the internal states can be determined by
running with the flag BASTST set .TRUE.
The adiabatic energies are determined at all values of R lying
between RENDLD and RENDAI, with the
grid size and spacing controlled by the same parameters which govern the AIRY integration, namely
Highly localized avoided crossings of the adiabatic
curves often occur. Use of a fine grid in R is the only way to interpret
properly the adiabatic energies in these cases.
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