DEBROGLI: Calculate and print out the DeBroglie wavelength for the system defined by the current parameters
DIFCRS: Calculate a differential cross section using previously computed S matrices
DIFFER: Compares two previously computed S matrices
EADIAB: Determine locally adiabatic energies using previously calculated transformation matrices
FLUX: Determine quantum fluxes for photodissociation or collisions
INTCRS: Calculate integral cross sections using previously computed S matrices
MACHDAT: Display on the screen and in the main output file the important details of your current hardware
MINPOT: Estimate minimum in the isotropic part of potential
MRCRS: Determine m-state resolved integral cross sections using previously determined tensor cross sections
OPTIMIZE: Optimize system independent parameters
PARTC: Print out a subset of previously calculated partial cross sections
PRINTC: Print out a subset of previously calculated integral cross sections
PRINTS: Print out previously calculated S matrices
PSI: Determine the expansion coefficients of selected channel components of the scattering wavefunction
READ: Read in parameters and flags from the currently defined input file
OPTIMIZE: Optimize one (or more) parameters
RUN: Start a scattering calculation using the current parameters and flags
QUIT: Terminate the currently running scattering program
SAVE: Save the current parameters and flags
SHOW: Display on the screen and in the main output file the current parameters and flags
TENXSC: Calculate tensor cross sections using previously computed S matrices
TESTPOT: Print out value of the potential and/or the expansion coefficients of the potential at a given value of R
TURN: Estimate classical turning point from isotropic part of potential