Command TENXSC

The command TENXSC allows you to calculate the tensor cross sections defined by Eqs. (30) and (31) of B. Follmeg, P. Rosmus, and H.-J. Werner, J. Chem. Phys. 93, 4687 (1990). The command line is where the input parameters are:

JOB,IENERG  The program searches for an S-matrix in the file Job{ienerg}.smt, where IENERG is an integer (IENERG = 1, 2, ... etc.)

IFRAME   This parameter defines the quantization frame employed in the tensor cross section calculations (angle-integrated cross sections, except where indicated otherwise below). LAMMAX   The maximum value of the anisotropic term in the velocity distribution (lower case lambda in the above article). Tensor cross sections for all even values of lambda from 0 to LAMMAX are calculated. At present only LAMMAX=0 is operational!

KMAX   The maximum value of the multipole order for which tensor cross sections are calculated. Cross sections for all values of Ki and Kf .le. KMAX are calculated.

IN1,IN2  The initial and final values of the additional index

JTOTMX  The maximum value included in the summation over total angular momentum (upper case J in Eqs. 30 and 31 of the above article)

JMIN,JMAX  Tensor cross sections are computed for all values of the molecular rotational quantum number (lower case ji and jf in Eqs. 30 and 31 of the above article) ranging from JMIN to JMAX.

To determine the S-matrix elements required by the command TENXSC, you must carry out a prior calculation with

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