If PRSMAT = .TRUE., then the real and the imaginary S-matrix elements will be printed out at the end of the regular output file. To print the S matrix to a separate file, set the flag WRSMAT = .TRUE.
S matrices can be quite large, so be wary of setting PRSMAT = .TRUE.
If WRSMAT = .TRUE., then selected (or all) S matrix elements will be printed out to a separate file {jobname}n.smt, where n designates the value of the energy, e.g. at the first energy the S-matrix elements will be in the file {jobname}n.smt, etc. The subset of S-matrix matrix elements which will be printed are defined by the set of rotational quantum numbers contained in the array JOUT as follows:
The command PRINTS allows the printing of an S matrix which has been previously written to the file {jobname}n.smt.
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