Command DIFCRS

The command DIFCRS allows you to compute from previously determined S-matrix elements the
  1. differential cross sections
  2. diagonal quadrupole and octupole alignment moments [A0(2) and A0(4)]
  3. off-diagonal alignment moment [A2(2)]
  4. m-dependent cross sections
  5. steric (oriented) cross sections.
The units of the cross setions are square Angstroms. The moments are dimensionless. The definition of the moments A0(2) and A0(4) is given in C. H. Greene and R. N. Zare, J. Chem. Phys. 78, 6741 (1983). The off-diagonal alignment moment (A2(2)) is defined here. where

{jobnam} the jobname under which the S matrices have been stored {jobname}n.smt. Here n denotes the value of the parameter ienerg (see below). These S matrices must have been previously generated using

The default value of {jobname} is the value you have set with the command JOB, or, if no value has been set, {jobname}=JOB

j1,in1  rotational quantum number and additional index for the initial state

j2,in2   rotational quantum number and additional index for the final state

ang1,ang2  initial and final angle (in degrees)

dang   step size (in degrees) for scan through angles.

ienerg  the cardinal value of the energy for which the differential cross section is computed. i.e. if ienerg = 2, then the second energy S matrices [{jobname}2.smt] are used

jtotend   the maximum value of Jtot included in determining the scattering amplitude. The value of jtotend can not be larger than the variable JTOT2 used in the initial calculation


mflag stflag
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